Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Popped Collars Version 4.0

Tonight, the Popped Collars return to where they began. After playing at Lyneham, and now Kaleen, we now prepare to return to the Weston Indoor Sports centre.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Not many wickets

In our most recent match, we had what can only be described as "a shocker" in the field. Catches went down all over the place, run-outs were missed, balls were fumbled. The result of this was we took only two wickets in the entire innings (also we lost the game). Both of those wickets came in the final over the match - for much of the game it looked like we would not take a wicket at all!

I've written about similar things here before, but since it is topical, here's an updated look at the stats of wickets lost by a team.

I can't be bothered finding the past posts about it... but perhaps you'd like to look yourself using the new "Labels and Topics" section on the right of the page. Use it to browse through all the old posts by topic!

Friday, 7 March 2014

Debuts, comebacks, and the low ceiling

And we're back for 2014. I'll just do a couple of quick stats today that I've had in the back of my mind over the first few games of the year.