Tuesday, 24 February 2015

The batting quiz - answers and more questions...

For those who played along (i.e. who read) last week's "Stats Quiz" post, I will now provide the answers. If you want to go and have a stab at answering the questions before seeing the answers, go here first. For most answers I give, I will also pose a follow-up question... for those who want to keep testing their knowledge of the team/stats!

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Stats Quiz (batting edition)

While we play a double-header tonight, if everyone is are getting bored (i.e. "sick of this stupid game"), here's a few Popped Collars stats-related questions. Discuss, suggest some answers, and see who knows (i.e. can guess) the most about our team, and our matches.

My guesses (made before I looked up the answers) are below the questions.
Answers available at the game...

Milestone games

Last week was Gareth's 200th match for the Popped Collars and we celebrated with a good win over a very good opposition. Presumably we were inspired by Gareth personal milestone! If a few weeks time, Sanjit will reach 200 and Xavier 250 during the same match (assuming they both play all matches between now and then). Will we be inspired on that occasion as well? Will the individual players perform well? Or will the crumble under the pressure and emotion of the situation?
The stats cannot answer these questions (yet), but they can look at how players have performed in their milestone games in the past.