Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Just Brad

A quick one today, as I was reminded that a double-header tonight means that a blog is required (by an unwritten law of the Popped Collars and PoppedStats). So here's a couple of very very quick stats about our fearless (and apparently feared) captain, Brad.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Graphs - bowling

See the introduction to last week's post... except this time the graphs are for bowling figures.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Graphs - batting

Here they are, as requested: graphs of players' batting performances over their career. They're pretty simple, no additional information such as running average, and not even any labels on the horizontal (time) axis. The graphs include both Popped Collars and GG games.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

A most unlikely victory

Last match for the Popped Collars was another one of those that will surely go down as a classic!
From a position that was seemingly hopeless, the Collars somehow managed to work back into the game against Kerwin's Mob, and pull off one of the great indoor cricket victories!