Monday, 30 July 2012

Working for your runs

With no stat suggestions arising from last week's match, we today take a request from the email - from Owen Dive, of Canberra, Australia

Mr Dive points out that a large number of "runs" in indoor cricket are scored without the batsmen actually having to run - for instance, by hitting the ball into the net, or having the bowler deliver wides and no-balls. He therefore wants to know which batsmen score the most actual 'runs' - by physically running from one crease to the other.

Just like last week, I'll check out the percentage of runs scored through running. And so, just like last week, I'll use 'runs accumulated' rather than total score to count percentage.

Presumably, batsmen who make a high percentage of physical runs are going to be those who:

  • face few wides
  • score lots of 1s and 2s (rather than 5s and 7s)
  • perhaps those who make a lot of overthrows (i.e. running more than once on one delivery)

Now, here's the stats for the regular players (at least 1000 runs accumulated)

Batter Runs
Jake2089 775 37.1%
Gareth2938 1072 36.5%
Sanjit2829 1015 35.9%
Matt S1413 504 35.7%
Andy4244 1484 35.0%
Daniel1129 392 34.7%
Xavier4701 1572 33.4%
Brad4850 1430 31.2%
Julian2710 828 30.6%
Rian4075 1202 29.5%

Probably unsurprising to see Rian and Julian at the bottom, being the prolific big hitters. Brad also right down there. Our old mate Jake tops the list - although I seem to remember him being something of a hitter as well. Perhaps he just tried to hit lot, with less success than I'm remembering.

Despite being high up on the list overall, Gareth actually holds the record for the lowest percentage in a single innings: 47 runs accumulated, with only 7 of them physically run (14.9%).

The highest percentage in an innings is 77.8% (7 runs out of 9) which has been done a few times by various opposition players.

Forgetting percentages for this paragraph, the most physical runs made in an innings is 16, by Andy Ragg. The least is just 2, by a chap from the Boonies who just kept getting out, and facing extras.

As a team, here's an interesting couple of contradicting thoughts to put together:
  • Popped Collars make more big shots than our opponents. We don't win by losing less wickets, we do it by hitting more runs. So our % of physical runs should be lower than opponents.
  • We bowl many more wides and no-balls than our opponents. So our opponents % should be lower than ours.

So which one make the biggest difference. Here is Us vs Them.

Batter Runs
Popped Collars33,995 11,407 33.6%
Opponents28,512 10,519 36.9%

It seems we certainly make our opponents work more for their runs than we do. Despite the free runs we give away with extras.

And finally, a stat for the fans. Or fan.

Batter Runs
Owen Dive20 8 40.0%

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