Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The Final Post

Previously, on PoppedStats:

I left you all with a cliffhanger ending to 2015 when I announced that I intended for the "next post to be the final one ever", but also left a glimmer of hope when I said that it didn't mean what it might seem at first glance.

What is happening? Is this the end for the blog forever?

It is now time for the thrilling resolution of this potentially shocking scenario...

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

150th Post : Milestones and Cliffhangers

As I have mentioned several times in the last few weeks, the blog re-read that I've been doing has been a lead-up to another milestone on the blog. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the 150th post! It is also the final post for 2015 (I'm banking on no games next week, otherwise I'm going to break my commitment of blogs every week for the rest of the year).

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

The Blog Re-read: Part 8 (and Career Stats Update)

And so, we have reached the end. I have now been back and read through all of the old posts and brought you what I think are the highlights. I hope you've all come across some interesting forgotten things. If not, bad luck (and maybe you should stop wasting your time reading the blog).
So here it is, the final part of The Great Blog Re-read....

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

The Blog Re-read: Part 7 (and Repetitive Overs)

Random fact: despite being published to the blog in December, this post (along with most others in the "re-read" series) was written a couple of months in advance. I did this so that I could fulfill the promise I made to the team of "a blog on each game-day for the rest of the year", and so that I'd have more time to work on something different for you.
But enough about that... let's continue with the blog re-cap (and some stats about Gareth's over of singles last week).

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

The Blog Re-read: Part 6

Revisiting events from late 2013 and the first half of 2014, we find two milestones and one big event took place on the blog. Can you remember what they were? Or will you just jump in and read today's post to find out without even trying to think about it...