Friday, 22 February 2013

Who's on first?

When two batters step in to start their innings, there is always the discussion of who will face the first ball. Some like to play a quick game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, some regular pairs like to take turns, and sometimes its just a matter of whoever steps in first gets to choose an end.

Back at Weston, where the first ball is worth double runs, the decision was more important than now - but how important is it anyway? Here's the stats based on who faces the ball of each pair.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Wicket droughts

Last year there was this post about the batters who had managed to go the longest between losing a wicket. Last week, one player suggested that perhaps he was getting close to a record for the bowling equivalent - claiming he had taken no wicket for the last 3 games (which would make at least 6 overs, and probably more than 50 balls). That's what this week's stat is...

Two short stories

In addition to this week's regular blog, I'm throwing together this short post to pass on two brief stories of varying levels of interest and amusement.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Pretty pictures

With no good stat suggestions, and nothing new and exciting coming to my mind, I decided this week to draw some pretty pictures for you. I plan to not write much; rather just allow you to look for yourself and make your own observations. Or just admire the pretty colours.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Time after time

After the debacle of the first game of the year, Popped Collars suffered their second consecutive loss - this time a far more legitimate (though still very close) one. Perhaps it was Rian and Gareth colliding while taking a second run - resulting in a run out - that cost the game (it wasn't, but I just wanted to mention that incident in a blog so we can remember it for years to come). Perhaps it was the fact that we had fill-ins (we haven't lost a game this season with our usual team). Or perhaps it was the time of night (both losses were in 8:30pm games) ... that's a stat to be investigated... let's do it.