Friday, 8 February 2013

Pretty pictures

With no good stat suggestions, and nothing new and exciting coming to my mind, I decided this week to draw some pretty pictures for you. I plan to not write much; rather just allow you to look for yourself and make your own observations. Or just admire the pretty colours.

Before we start, let's quickly get one stat suggestion from last week out of the way:
How does our record compare in odd and even numbered years? 

It looks to be approximately the most uninteresting stat ever:

Year parityMatchesWinsPercentage

Having established that we don't care what year it is, let's move on to this weeks stats.

First up - here's a graph of our the results of our matches. Positive numbers are us winning, negative numbers are losses. The orange line shows the average margin over the past 10 matches. Background colour shows where we were playing (Weston white, Lyneham green, Kaleen blue).

Certainly got out of Weston at the right time, when our thrashing of other teams was peaking. The time at Lyneham was nice an competitive, with the average hovering around zero. The average doesn't reach record levels at Kaleen because of the shorter matches (but imagine adding one-third of the margin to each of the Kaleen games, it would be a solid block topping out above 150!)

Sorry, I wrote too much there. More pictures...

This one is a pie chart of how many runs get scored by different methods. Ones, two, threes, extras, etc. Runs from 'overthrows' and additional runs due to double-score-balls are counted as separate categories. The black outline shows how many of these runs get lost due to wickets!

Next up - the worm. Here's the worm chart, averaged over all games. Unfortunately, it's averaged over too many games, and is very uninteresting.

So instead, I had an idea to take the ball-by-ball data used for the worm, and instead do a ball-by-ball bar graph. That is, our average score for the first ball of our innings; and the second ball of our innings; etc... Check this out:

The first ball of the skins generally stand out as the big ones (due to double runs at Weston). But we can also pick out 5 really bad deliveries. We'll have to be on the lookout for these "danger balls" from now on
  • Skin 1, over 3, ball 6
  • Skin 2, over 2, ball 8
  • Skin 3, over 1, ball 8
  • Skin 4, over 1, balls 4 and 8

Note: The small marks on the horizontal axis are a change of over, and the numbered balls mark the start of a new batting pair. "Ball 129" represents all balls bowled beyond the 8th in any over (due to re-bowled extras).

And finally, the same thing for our opponents. Check out skin 3, over 2, ball 5...!!

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