Each row of this table shows how one batsman has performed while with one of his regular partners, as well as without that partner.
Columns 3, 4 and 5 give the players stats while IN that pair.
Columns 6, 7 and 8 give the players stats while NOT in that pair.
The final column (column 9) gives the difference in the players average when they are in and out of that partnership. Negative numbers mean their average is worse in that pairing, positive means they have a better average.
Every pair that has batted together at least 10 times is included.
Batter | Pair | Innings | Runs | Avg | Innings | Runs | Avg | Diff |
Andy | Andy & Jake | 64 | 1180 | 18.44 | 81 | 1581 | 19.52 | -1.08 |
Andy | Andy & Matt S | 14 | 210 | 15.00 | 131 | 2551 | 19.47 | -4.47 |
Andy | Andy & Sanjit | 10 | 188 | 18.80 | 135 | 2573 | 19.06 | -0.26 |
Brad | Brad & Matt S | 10 | 211 | 21.10 | 128 | 2872 | 22.44 | -1.34 |
Brad | Brad & Sanjit | 81 | 1906 | 23.53 | 57 | 1177 | 20.65 | 2.88 |
Brad | Brad & Xavier | 20 | 500 | 25.00 | 118 | 2583 | 21.89 | 3.11 |
Daniel | Daniel & Xavier | 22 | 417 | 18.95 | 17 | 317 | 18.65 | 0.31 |
Gareth | Gareth & Rian | 75 | 1143 | 15.24 | 33 | 572 | 17.33 | -2.09 |
Jake | Andy & Jake | 64 | 1095 | 17.11 | 12 | 209 | 17.42 | -0.31 |
Jim Ragg | Jim Ragg & Rian | 10 | 153 | 15.30 | 16 | 230 | 14.38 | 0.93 |
Julian | Julian & Xavier | 76 | 1617 | 21.28 | 6 | 167 | 27.83 | -6.56 |
Matt S | Andy & Matt S | 14 | 100 | 7.14 | 43 | 459 | 10.67 | -3.53 |
Matt S | Brad & Matt S | 10 | 118 | 11.80 | 47 | 441 | 9.38 | 2.42 |
Rian | Gareth & Rian | 75 | 1877 | 25.03 | 40 | 879 | 21.98 | 3.05 |
Rian | Jim Ragg & Rian | 10 | 237 | 23.70 | 105 | 2519 | 23.99 | -0.29 |
Sanjit | Andy & Sanjit | 10 | 103 | 10.30 | 102 | 1441 | 14.13 | -3.83 |
Sanjit | Brad & Sanjit | 81 | 1192 | 14.72 | 31 | 352 | 11.35 | 3.36 |
Xavier | Brad & Xavier | 20 | 526 | 26.30 | 126 | 2916 | 23.14 | 3.16 |
Xavier | Daniel & Xavier | 22 | 514 | 23.36 | 124 | 2928 | 23.61 | -0.25 |
Xavier | Julian & Xavier | 76 | 1805 | 23.75 | 70 | 1637 | 23.39 | 0.36 |
The biggest difference in the table is Julian, who apparently performs when NOT batting with Xavier. Although, this can probably be statistically ignored, since Julian has - incredibly - only played 6 of his 76 innings without his regular batting buddy.
Of the stats with a reasonable number of innings to consider, it's Andy's drop in performance when batting with Mecha-Matt that stands out, with a 4-and-a-half run drop in his average for those innings. Several others see drops of over 3 runs - including Matt when he's with Andy!
Sanjit is one of the big improvers when batting with Brad - which I'm sure will come as little surprise to most people. But Brad actually bats BETTER with Sanjit - despite our constant mocking. Xavier and Brad also boost each other.
In fact, Brad seems to be a constant source of inspiration, with Matt also improving when he bats with the captain. Of course, it does make sense... no one wants to incur the great man's wrath while on court with him...!
In summary:
Best pairing of players: Brad & Sanjit (+6.24)
Worst pairing of players: Andy & Matt (-8.00)
Inspirational partner: Brad (+8.92 total between 3 partners)
Un-inspirational partner: Andy (-7.67 total between 3 partners)
(Let the jokes comparing the effect Andy has on his 'partners' at indoor, and in life, begin)
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